2020 Breakouts – Session 1
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True North: Keeping Our Bearings as We Navigate Unchartered Waters
Adam Greenway
Featured Speaker
President, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX
How to Keep My Church Safe and Secure
Mark Lemay, Facilities/Risk Management, Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, Franklin, TN
Discover major risks that churches face in today’s world . . . including “guns at church” and “active shooter” preparedness.
Best Practices for Online Groups
Ken Braddy, Sunday School Director LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN
Group leaders must teach differently to be effective in a virtual world, and they must protect their group members from online
hackers. Learn how group leaders can do both and have safe and effective Bible studies.
Connecting with Your Community: Key Areas to Check Plumb
Adam Martin, Church Consultant, Martin Planning Group, Covington, LA
Connecting with our communities digitally eventually leads to a personal encounter. This session will outline key areas our facilities and ministries must align in order to connect with our communities.
Gender Identity Issues and the Church
Shelley Melia, Associate Dean, Graduate School of Ministry, Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, TX
Emerging trends indicate churches need to be better prepared to respond rather than react to gender identity issues. This session will give a broad overview of the issue and provide sample policies for navigating such issues as
bathroom use guidelines and overnight trips with minors.
Navigating Risk in Children’s Ministry: On & Off Campus
Karen Kennemur, Associate Professor of Children’s Ministry, Bessie Fleming Chair of Childhood Education, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Forth, TX
Is it safe to take children off-campus? Should we only offer ministry opportunities on the church campus? Let’s discuss ways to keep children and leaders safe on and off the church campus.
Your Family Needs Protections
Tony Rankin, Counselor at Tony Rankin Counseling, Nashville, TN
Being intimately close to every family member, pursuing your children, considering whether or not your work at the church has become an addiction, and knowing how time
away from the house and family are significant needs for minister’s family. These are just a few of the topics that will be discussed.
Leading Well: Discipleship from the First Chair
Robert Mullins, Lead Pastor, Crossroads Community Church and Founder of Passion Tree Ministries, Elmore, AL
This seminar is for the first chair leader or the second chair leader that desires to encourage their first chair in disciple-making. You will learn the importance of personal disciple-making and where to begin!
Introduction to Church Teams
Boyd Pelley, Cofounder, President of Churchteams, Dallas, TX
Church Teams is a Church Management Software that offers many features that are designed with the church practitioner in mind. Check out all the features in this introduction.
An Approach to Measuring Spiritual Maturity
Randy Tompkins, President, Cornerstone Consultants Ministries, LLC, Alexandria, LA
A discussion to discover ways to assist members in understanding the development of various elements of their spiritual life and allowing them to see positive points in their
development. Becoming a disciple is not a one-step situation, but a progression of development.