What’s Next for the Church?
March 25, 2021 – Videos for Registered Participants/Members
Surviving & Thriving: MOving Foward Through Transitions
Jamie Dew
Featured Speaker
President, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Responding to Transitions: Cultural Shifts Taking Place in the Church & Community
Carey Nieuwhof
Featured Speaker
Founding pastor of Connexus Church, Christian Leadership Thought Leader, CareyNieuwhof.com
The State of the Church: How are We Looking in 2021?
Savannah Kimberlin
Featured Speaker
Research Director, Barna
Leadership Transitions: The Personal Challenges of Leadership
Lyle Wells
Featured Speaker
President of Integrus Leadership
Engagement Transitions: Building Trust in a New World
Matt Engel
Featured Speaker
Executive Director of Ministry Innovation Labs at Gloo
Community Transitions: Rethinking Evangelism & Missions for Your Community
Ken Bevel
Featured Speaker
Pastor of Membership & Local Mission, Sherwood Baptist Church, Albany, GA
All Workshops & Presentations
Transitions:What’s Next for the Church
Includes workshops and other presentations
Use the conference password to view all videos. The conferences are listed in order in which they were scheduled for the event.
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Video Library
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